Friday, October 12, 2012

Why travel to Maine?

My answer to that question was to visit friends. My wife certainly was comfortable with that reason, but always in the back of her mind was something else. I have to admit, it was nice being able to feed four lobster dinners for less than the price of one in Tennessee.


  1. Hi Jim...Wow and we think it is expensive here : } Yesa there is nothin likea Maine Lobsta ; }(that's downeast Maine spelling)lol!!
    I don't blame her for her motives,they are wonderful here! I am a little bias of course!!
    Have a good weekend!

  2. Never had lobster - possibly another reason I'd love to visit Maine.

    1. To be perfectly honest, that alone would justify a trip. I'm sure you can get Maine lobster in England, but a plane ticket might be cheaper.

  3. The best part is finding good lobster shacks! Nothing better.

  4. We have family in Maine, they were saying how much cheaper the lobster is there, and of couse fresher !
    I noticed you had freezing temps up there on the Plateau....brrr.
