Monday, March 26, 2012

Thomas Hughes's back garden

The house Thomas Hughes had built for himself in Rugby, and which he named Kingstone Lisle, sits facing the main road near the school, library, and church. Its front elevation has been taken home by generations of amateur photographers, and a few professionals, as well. But the back garden is what really stands out this week. The cherry tree near the kitchen door joined the redbud in full bloom.

Volunteers spent most of one day this week trimming and cleaning around the house. It's in top form for the visitors who are coming in greater numbers with the warm weather. And I can almost taste the cherry pies this tree will supply come summer.


  1. That blossom looks wonderful. I can feel Spring radiating from it. Lovely pictures.

  2. Who can fail to be charmed by spring blossom - and a double dose in pink and white. The visitors should hasten to arrive, to see the beauty before it fades.

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