Friday, July 20, 2012

The doors of Rugby

Many cities and towns around the world offer posters of The Doors of ....." Among the notable in the U.S. are the Doors of Charleston, the Doors of New Orleans, and the Doors of San Francisco. There are others, and I've seen collections from Europe on line. I set out to do one in Rugby, and was reminded of two things. There aren't all that many doors to choose from, and what we have lack the variety of those offered by larger historic cities. So instead of a poster, here are some of the more interesting ones.

Rugby Print Shop

 1884 Ingleside

1885 Kingstone Lisle

1881 Oak Lodge

Oak Lodge parlor door

1884 Ruralia

 The Lindens, 1880

 1882 Twin Oaks


  1. A nice selection of elegant doors. Mind you, I still prefer windows!

  2. Yes we do have similar "the Doors Of ..." collections over here. Yours makes an excellent series of images.

  3. I love shooting doors too! I'm also nosey, love to peek in those lovely doors to see what's within!

  4. Wonderful doors! The would make a great set of note cards.
