Monday, September 12, 2011

Sweet Autumn Clematis

It suddenly has become conspicuous along roadsides and in lawns. It's locally called Virgin's Bower but, strictly speaking, that's a different species, a North-American native. A quick look at the leaves clearly shows smooth margins, instead of the toothed margins found in the native.
Sweet Autumn Clematis was introduced as an ornamental from China. It since has naturalized and can be found along untended road margins and fence rows. It is said to be invasive and all plant parts are considered to be poisonous, if ingested. Gloves are suggested when working with it.
Nevertheless, is can be quite attractive and it's very fragrant. We have some growing at the end of one of our porches.


  1. It's beautiful and, from your pictures, a very prolific flowerer.
    Do you know its botanical name? It looks very suitable to cover and hide ugly fences or sheds.

  2. So pretty - I could forgive its vices.

  3. Lovely stuff -- I'll have to go take a look at ours to see if it's true Virgin's Bower or an import!

    Your Sunday pictures was wonderful!

  4. So that's what these are. While walking around the old Union Canal Towpath, I thought that they were Honey Suckle, because of the sweet smell they had. I picked one off and found that it was not what I thought. Now I know.

