Monday, April 2, 2012

Before you reap, you must sow

The first weekend in October each year the nearby village of Allardt has its Pumpkin Festival. The biggest attraction is the contest for the largest pumpkins. Otherwise it's music and vendors, all the usual festival things. The pumpkin weigh off is the big deal. Big as they are, however, none can compete with their signature water tower.

But driving through last week I was struck by the proximity of the flowering redbuds and dogwoods with the giant pumpkin tower. Yes, it is time to be thinking about planting those winning seeds, making sure the soil has all the right nutrients, water, organic matter, or whatever to help carefully selected seeds grow into monsters that will never see a pie. But if they win, there will be a few dollars prize money and bragging rights that will last for a full year. Gentlemen, man your gardens!

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